A specialized Reiki plan can make all the difference.

Reiki works safely alongside your current treatment, and it is an excellent solution for anyone looking to experience personal growth and enhanced wellness. It is an ancient Japanese holistic technique that focuses on the body, mind, and spirit. This non-invasive, gentle treatment helps boost one’s body’s natural healing ability to restore balance, allowing one to feel reconnected with oneself. A mini debrief is also offered to share any helpful information to continue on your self-care journey where you are welcomed to ask questions. All Reiki sessions are offered in-person or distance.

Usui Reiki

Powerful yet gentle energy treatment

We will work together to focus on the areas that require energy healing. Plus you will receive an overall treatment to give your body the boost it needs for continued healing after the session.

Reiki with Crystals

Declutter your energy centres

During the session, we will work with curated crystals to help amplify the flow of life force energy in your body. You will be able to clear unwanted blockages and use the benefits of crystals to attract abundance, promote good health, and easily manifest what you desire.

Reiki with Tarot

Building a foundation to your healing path

Before the reiki session we will use tarot to assist us to target areas that require healing. With the added benefit of reiki it will provide support on strengthening your healing abilities giving you the confidence you need to continue on your healing journey.

Book your next session

Reiki In-Person Session.

Reiki Distant Session.

